Fruit of the Loom, Chris Krebs. My job as EVP, Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Dig is to buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:EPSON, SAMUNG, BAY…
FSG Capital, Inc., Bruce J Winter. My job as Broker/Lessor Employee Account is to buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:MOTION COMPUTING, POWERCOLOR, EMC,…
FSR OBI B.V.. We are located at De Hooge Akker 10-B Geldrop 5661 NG, Netherlands. We buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:MOKIN, BLACK MAGIC, CAT5E CABLE,…
Fujitsu America Inc. We are located at Fort Worth, Texas, United States. We buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:METROLOGIC, LXE, AORUS, POLAROID SPRINTSCAN,…
Fundacion Hogar Nueva Granada. We are located at Carrera 2 este # 67-50 Bogota DC, Porteria 4, Canada. We buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:COMPUCABLE…