Seventhgenius, Sh. My job is to buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:BLASON, OTTERBOX, SONICWALL, APC, NETOPIA, WESTINGHOUSE, MULTITECH, AMPLIVOX, HAMILTON AIR,…
SHARPIE, Motaka Sharpie Limited. We are located at Hong Kong. My job as Sales is to buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:NT WARE, GENERAL TOUCH, TEXAS…
Sheridan Computers Limited. We are located at Express Networks 1 George Leigh Street Manchester M4 5DL, United Kingdom. We buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on…
Shiftrecycling, Collection. My job is to buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:FINISAR, HONEYWELL, TPG, PHOENIX CONTACT, OCZ, LXE, SYSTEMAX, SMART AVI, DEVIEW,…
Shineny, Lisalee. My job is to buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of industry verticals. Our goal is to find the best deals on:SONICWALL, MERIDIAN, SUN, TRENDNET, WAVEWARE, SMART AVI, EMC, SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INFOCUS,…