SIAT EXPO LTD Re sellers of refurbished laptops, smartphone, video games, etc .. now the fastest growing company and wanting to take over the Ghanaian market in the next 5yrs .. Ready to build partnerships, relationships with exporters and other…
- Dell
PC EXPRESS IT Pcexpress-it-remarketing places computers, notebooks and iphone rewinded in the Italian territory via e-commerce. We are constantly looking for new suppliers that guarantee excellent products at affordable prices for retailers.
TT SUCCESS We do all PC parts Import and Export! We have over 15 years PC parts trade experience in Asian, European and American markets!
GABROVO SERVICE LTD Gabrovo Service LTD is a company specialized in the sale of new and used equipment. We are specialized in the construction and maintenance of pos systems.We buy and sell many types of IT assets each month from all types of…
OUREA LTD Ourea Ltd. is based in Latvia, Europe. We are wholeseller/distributors and working with, Brand new and used mobile phones, samsung phone displays, tablets, Dr.Beats , Go-pro, Macbooks, IT components as GPU’s, SSD/HDD and many other…